sábado, janeiro 12, 2008


A Wal mandou e-mail há um tempo com um link para o Fairy Name Generator. Quem sabe inglês pode brincar um pouco...

Colocando Anna Carolina deu:
Your fairy is called Gossamer Moonglitter
She is the moon goddess's messenger.
She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottos.
She is only seen in the light of a shooting star.

Colocando Anna Rocha deu:
Your fairy is called Gossamer Moonwitch
She is the moon goddess's messenger.
She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottos.
She is only seen in the enchanted moment between sleep and waking.

Disso eu tiro 2 conclusões:
1)Sou mensageira da deusa da lua.
2)Moro junto aos insetos, ou seja, BORBOLETAS!

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